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How to Get Your Next Clients

finding clients get more clients Mar 30, 2023

After over a decade in real estate, it’s fun to reflect on my first year in the industry. Over time, clients will start to fall into your lap if you know how to market, engage with your sphere, and provide excellent service. But finding clients in your first year or two is HARD, and most agents quit (or get discouraged at best) because they aren’t sure what actions will actually lead to sales. 


The journey of finding my first three clients taught me valuable lessons that I hope will inspire you to take actions that lead you to your next 3 clients. 


My First Client: The Open House Gal

I met my first client at an open house. She was a lady I didn't know who came to see the home and wanted to place an offer on it. As a new agent at my first open house, I didn't even know how to write an offer! I called my managing broker for help and we were able to get the offer done.

Key Takeaway: Volunteer to run open houses. As a new agent, open houses are excellent opportunities to meet potential clients. You don’t even need to have the listing under your name to run the open house! Simply find a property you think is awesome, and priced well, and ask the listing agent if you can host it open for them. 

Take Action: Contact 10 listing agents today and ask if you can hold their listing open. 


My Second Client: Our Family Doctor

My second client was a family friend, our doctor who knew I had become a real estate agent. He needed help selling his home, and because I had been open about my new career, he reached out to me for assistance.

Key Takeaway: Don't be afraid to share your new career with friends and family. Many people in your personal network may need real estate services. But they won’t know to call if they don’t know you’re an agent!

 Take Action: If you haven’t already, build a list of your top 100 acquaintances and send them a new agent announcement. Share this announcement on social media as well. 

My Third Client: Previous Coworker

My third client was a friend from my previous career who needed help buying a home. Because I had kept in touch and nurtured our relationship, they felt comfortable reaching out to me to help them with the transaction.

Key Takeaway: Stay connected with friends from previous careers. Your past professional connections are future clients. Keep those relationships alive!

Take Action: Reach out to 5 friends that you don’t speak with consistently. Don’t mention real estate, just shoot them a text, call, or respond to their Instagram stories to say hi and catch up.

My first three clients taught me the importance of seizing opportunities, sharing my new career with others, and maintaining relationships from past careers. By applying these lessons, you can increase your chances of landing your next three clients and building a long and successful career in real estate. Remember to be proactive, open, and always willing to learn. Your dedication and hard work will pay off as you build a successful real estate career.


Here’s a recap of your action items:


Action Item 1: Contact 10 listing agents today and ask if you can hold their listing open. 

Action Item 2: Build a list of your top 100 acquaintances and send them a new agent announcement. Share this announcement on social media as well. 

Action Item 3: Reach out to 5 friends that you don’t speak with consistently. Don’t mention real estate, just shoot them a text, call, or respond to their Instagram stories to say hi and catch up.

Do these three things, and report back! 


You’ve got this, 




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