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Home(selling) for the Holidays: How to close deals in a slow time of year.

finding clients real estate coaching succeeding in real estate Nov 21, 2023

Home(selling) for the Holidays: How to close deals in a slow time of year.

Read Time: 3 minutes.

Key Takeaway: Don’t check out for November and December… people will still need your help.

Home(selling) for the Holidays: How to close deals in a slow time of year.

Dive Deeper: The holidays can be a tough time to sell a home – and a tough time to buy. While many agents embrace the idea that real estate will come to a screeching halt during the most wonderful time of the year, in reality…it doesn’t.

Don’t get me wrong. Activity may wane a bit, but there is always someone looking to sell their home, and always someone looking to buy. The calendar will never change that. Your goal as an agent is to find and help that someone! 

There are four things you can do to keep your business moving during what others perceive as  the slowest time of the year: 

1. Keep your Eyes and Ears Open! 

 Again, don’t assume that no one needs, or wants, to move during the holidays. Sure, it’s likely inconvenient for everyone involved with all the extra activities going on, but sometimes the perfect home pops on the market at inconvenient times, and the Buyer needs to jump.  Sometimes a life-changing event takes place, and a home needs to be listed. Be ready to help those who need it -- and do it with holiday spirit!

2. Be Available! 

 With a few legitimate exceptions, such as specific days, you absolutely will not (and should not)  work and remain available to your clients. You chose the service industry and sometimes duty calls.  When you have those rare exceptions or planned time off, make sure you put your availability on your voicemail or have an email auto-responder in place. You should absolutely enjoy your holidays and take some time for yourself and your family. Just keep an open mind to helping others when the opportunity arises, and help them understand your availability beforehand. Helping people during the holidays can position you as the agent of choice for life! 

3. Don’t Cut Back More Than You Should! 

 It’s easy to let your guard down and give your work less than stellar effort during the holidays.  It’s totally understandable. There is a time to relax and put work away for a bit. Just remember,  though, your opportunity to provide world-class service never goes to sleep. It’s alive and well  

year-round. If a Buyer calls you with a question or need, jump on it right away. Return those phone calls and emails quickly, just as you would any other time of the year.

4. Embrace Serving Others with Holiday Spirit 

 What better time to show others you care than to help them in the middle of craziness? The holidays are a time for giving, sharing, and serving others. Anyone who needs help during this time of the year is likely in a pinch. They may feel bad “bothering” you during this time and will likely be more understanding if both your schedules need adjus2ng to give them a hand. Simply serve – and don’t make your clients feel like a burden. That doesn’t mean you don’t set boundaries surrounding holiday traditions, church services, etc. Just keep authentic service at the forefront of your mind.

Again, enjoy the holidays and take some well-deserved downtime. Most everyone expects it,  including your clients. The people we work with are human, as well. They understand you need time with your family to celebrate the sacred times of the year.

Just don’t check out for two months and squander your opportunity to grow your pipeline, strengthen relationships and generate revenue. And, don’t make your clients feel like a burden when they need help. Your real estate business is built on the needs of others – and the sincerity with which you serve them. Even during the holidays!

Here to help,


P.S. Shoot me an email at [email protected]  and I’ll invite you to my free coaching call on the 4th week of every month!

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